Share the Love

Hello my Beautiful Wonders!!!

You know I love you, and I'm so gratefull for all of you who have supported me for so long.  This week, I'm asking you to please share the LOVE... 
  My dear friend Kenny Wesley,… Read more

Good News ... Bad News

Hello My Beautiful Wonders!!!

I have bad news... and then I have good news!!!  

  As you know I won NBC4 Washington's Be a Voice VIP last May, and my grand prize was a guaranteed audition for the… Read more

Concert - Celebration of Life

As a woman in healthcare, I know how important it is to take care of our bodies, and to continue to encourage our sisters to live a healthy lifestyle.  Do you know someone who is living with a terminal illness…Read more

From Next Door to Your Door

Yes, it's official!  I had an awesome CD Release Concert at Washington DC's iconic U-Street venue, Ben's Next Door - we filled the place up to standing room only!!!  Thank you everyone who made it out to the show, or…Read more

On the Road to Success!!!

For the whole month of August I've been making moves, and I think you're gonna like it!!! From Maryland to California, then Virginia, and finally DC... this Beautiful Wonder is on the road to success!

First things FIRST in Maryland!Read more

What Did You Do With My Wife?

Have you ever listened to a CD so many times, over and over, on repeat that you know exactly what note or word will come up in each second of each song? Even the little nuances like an instrumental solo…Read more

Half a Dollar v. Two Quarters

Sometimes when you need to make a decision, you can easily let chance make the choice by flipping a coin. Well, I was faced with a tough decision yesterday, and it wasn’t as easy as choosing heads or tails.

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Right Under My Nose

This debut CD has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and I always thought it would take an act of God for this dream to ever become reality. Well, I was partially right! It…Read more

Toothpicks in My Eyes

Toothpicks In My Eyes...

I was going to wait till later to discuss this atrocious condition that I've developed while creating my CD, but I realize now that it's extremely important to mention earlier because it will lay a…Read more